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What is Invisalign?

This is an invisible orthodontic treatment undertaken by patients who want to improve their smiles. This procedure doesn’t use metal wires, as in the case of braces. Invisalign are almost invisible, meaning that you won’t get worried that people will notice them. In this orthodontic treatment, clear aligners made from a material called SmartTrack are used. The trays should be worn for more than 20 hours daily. However, you need to remove them if you want to brush properly, floss, or undertake other oral procedures.

Benefits of Invisalign

People who want to reposition their teeth properly can consider using Invisalign treatments because it has many benefits. Below are some top benefits of Invisalign:


Correcting biting related issues

Invisalign is essential in correcting all biting relate issues ranging from open bites, underbites, and overbites. Underbites usually occur when there's a huge movement of the lower teeth beyond their counterpart's upper teeth. On the other hand, overbites happen if there's a massive protrusion of the upper teeth more than the lower teeth and is commonly associated with poor oral health and genetics. Whether you have an underbite or overbite, you should consider Invisalign procedures to position your teeth properly. Failure to undertake this procedure will result in many oral problems such as painful jaws, gum irritation, tooth dysfunction, among others.

Painless procedure

All Invisalign procedures are painless and easy to undertake compared to other procedures. First, Invisalign treatments are non-invasive, meaning that everyone can easily and comfortably undertake them. Today, with the introduction of more advanced technological treatments such as using 3D digital scans, digital imaging, and CAD, people should try as much as possible to avoid traditional treatments.

Prevents teeth overcrowding

In most cases, teeth crowd if the jaws lack enough space to accommodate teeth. Many oral adverse effects are associated with teeth overcrowding, including plaque buildup, gum disease, cracking, teeth decay, among others. To prevent all these problems, it's essential to visit your dentist and undergo an Invisalign treatment.

Prevents gum disease

People with overcrowded or poorly spaced teeth are at a higher risk of developing gum disease. To prevent this, it's essential to consider Invisalign to position your teeth properly by ensuring the gums are well protected. This not only brings a pleasant feeling to the mouth but also causes a firm barrier against oral infections.

Boosts confidence

Most people with poor teeth positioning have low confidence, especially when in public places. You'll find that these people can't easily smile, eat or laugh properly. This is usually due to the low self-confidence that comes with perceived bad physical appearance. Self-confidence is essential in many aspects, and thus everyone should have it. Therefore, if you have crooked or overcrowded teeth, you should consider getting an Invisalign treatment to position your teeth properly. This will not only give you self-confidence but will also assist you in avoiding other teeth-related problems that can arise due to poor teeth positioning.

Who is it for?

Invisalign treatments aren’t meant for everyone. People with severe oral problems aren’t ideal candidates for these treatments. If you opt for this procedure, you must be ready to stay with them for long hours during the day to get the desired results. Although they’re removable, you make them ineffective if you keep on removing them. Ideal candidates for Invisalign treatments include people with crowded teeth, gap teeth, open bites, underbites, overbites, and crossbites.

What affects its effectiveness?

To get the desired results, dental practitioners recommend that people wear aligners for less than 20 hours each day. These aligners should only be removed during eating, brushing, flossing, or cleaning them. It’s also advisable to avoid using hot water to clean them to prevent destroying them, affecting their effectiveness

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, if you want to undergo Invisalign treatments, it’s essential to visit your dentist first for oral evaluation and recommendations.