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What is Dental Bonding?

It is a permanent prosthetic attached to replace a missing tooth or teeth. A dental bridge is a common, affordable, and time-tested treatment method that bridges the gaps Dental bonding is a dental procedure that can be used to repair and close gaps between teeth. Dental bonding involves applying tooth-colored composite material, sometimes called a “bonding agent,” to the front surfaces of teeth. A dental professional then bonds (holds) the material in place by brushing it with a high-intensity light or curing it with ultraviolet light – this process is called “bonding.”

All You Need to Know About Dental Bonding


Who is Dental Bonding For?

Dental bonding is a great option for adults with small chips or gaps in their teeth, even if your tooth needs to be reshaped (brought into shape) before it can receive the dental bonding material.
Dental bonding is also good for people who want to cover up large discolored areas on teeth caused by stains from coffee, tea, and other dark liquids. This procedure will not treat these problems, however, but rather conceal them. The procedure can also be used as an alternative to veneers or crowns, but it's not recommended if you have major dental issues like missing teeth.

What's Involved in Dental Bonding?

The dentist first examines the tooth to be treated and shaves off any excess enamel, if needed. He then applies a bonding material, usually made of glass ionomer or composite resins, which hardens quickly after application. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes on average and is often done in one visit.

Is Dental Bonding Safe?

Dental bonding a safe procedure that has been used for many years with success by dentists all over the world - it's a safe process that can fix chips, gaps, fillings, decay, and discolorations, as discussed above. In some cases, dental bonding might break down easily if not taken care of properly (i.e., poor oral hygiene) so make sure you brush your teeth twice daily and use a mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Is Dental Bonding Expensive?

It is not usually a costly procedure, but you should consult with your dentist to determine the costs in your area.

Are There Any Drawbacks of Dental Bonding?

The only disadvantage is that your tooth may end up looking slightly different from the other teeth in your mouth because they are not all made of the same materials. Otherwise, it’s a very good option for fixing your teeth and having them look natural.

What are the benefits of Dental Bonding?

This procedure comes with a raft of benefits which include:

It's a quick, relatively inexpensive procedure that can give you a brand new smile in no time. The procedure is often done in one visit. You get to avoid drilling away at enamel with no guarantee of success or waiting for fillings to be put in as they don't usually take effect until two weeks after application.

Dentists use a paste applied onto the tooth's surface or on top of fillings and other work done in the past, so you won't lose anything done in the past.

It also caters to the needs of those who want small changes and don't need extensive dental work done. For instance, if you have a gap between your two front teeth but don't want to spend the time and money necessary for braces, then dental bonding might be right for you.

Dental bonding is made from tooth-colored materials that are safe, durable, and easy for your dentist or orthodontist to apply so it won't affect other treatments or procedures being carried out at the same time - whether these involve teeth whitening, gum treatment, dentures, etc.

Dental bonding usually takes just one visit to the dentist, and there's no need for any anesthetic.

It offers more natural-looking results than traditional fillings, which can often look yellowish over time due to their material composition.

You can get dental bonding done at any age - it doesn't matter if you're young or old.

Final Thoughts

Dental bonding is an excellent way of improving your smile without undergoing expensive cosmetic surgery such as tooth implants or crowns. Note, however, that dental bonding is not a permanent solution, and it can end up being removed at some point in the future. In other words, even with dental bonding, you still need to brush your teeth every day!